December: A Message from the President, Jay Tift
As I sit here considering my December post, I am clearly influenced by my surroundings because what is resonating inside at the moment is gratitude.
Thank you.
To the community mental health counselor sitting with some of the clinically most challenging people, walking alongside them as you try to keep yourself from burnout. Thank you.
To the school counselor with an enormous caseload balancing mental health, SEL, and all the other roles the school system puts on you (wanted and unwanted). Thank you.
To the addictions counselor sticking with your clients through relapse and recovery, providing that solid attachment figure. Thank you.
To the career counselor helping people who feel that they are just going through life mechanically try to find work that is meaningful and fulfilling to them. Thank you.
To the rehab counselor working with clients to identify and highlight their strengths and resources so that they may live independent and integrated lives. Thank you.
To the child and adolescent counselor working with little ones to navigate confusing and challenging experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Thank you.
To the private practice counselor working with people struggling through a progressively more disconnected and divisive world. Thank you.
To the counselor educator working to encourage and support the next generation of counselors from all specialites. Thank you.
To the counselor advocate standing up for the voices that are not being heard and advocating for the policies and systems that will better serve our communities. Thank you.
To all of you amazing counselors with all of your many approaches, specialties, strengths, struggles, and dreams.
Your work is deeply appreciated by so many, though you likely don’t hear it often enough.
Let me give it voice. Thank you for all that you do, for all that you are, and for all the ways (both large and small) you make the world a better place.
Thank you!
Jay Tift, Ph.D., LPC-MHSP
TCA President 2023/24